
"Why I've Quit Writing About My Children," The Washington Post

"Lost," Cleaver Magazine

"I Was a 52-Year-Old (Thanksgiving) Virgin," Role Reboot

"52 Firsts In 52 Weeks: My Year Of Living Dangerously," The Huffington Post

"The Problem With 'Best Friends' Forever," The Huffington Post

"What We Don't Say," My Other Ex: Women's True Stories of Leaving and Losing Friendships, Editors Smock and Strenger 

“Star Quality,” Washingtonian Magazine

“Steering Clear,” Brain, Child Magazine

“Halloween RIP,” The Washington Post 

“On the Miracle Mile,” Cleaver Magazine

“A Measure of Desire,” The New York Times "Modern Love" Column

“Fresno 1982,” Narrative Magazine

“Lice Season,” Literary Mama